… who don’t read German: How to get the most out of this bilingual but predominantly German website
If you look at the main menu at the top right, there are many tabs, most of them in German. The tab „Über mich“ is translated, which can be found via the tab „ABOUT (English)„.
The tab „Mehr von mir“ („More by me“) lists and links to my publications. .Some of them are in English, some in German. You may be able to find the English-language publications by looking at their titles even as my descriptive words at this page are currently only in German.
The Blog has some contributions in German and some in English. You can filter the English posts by clicking on the category „English.“ Just search for the word „English“ in the list of categories (Kategorien) on the right. Or simply find them here.
„Kontakt“ means „contact“ and leads to a contact form. If you want to contact me and don’t find the contact form conducive, e-mail me at johanna (dot) rothe (at) posteo (dot) de .
In the footer menu, there is a legal notice (Impressum), privacy statement (Datenschutzerklärung) and a link to a contact form in German.
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